Why You Should Buy and Sell During the Holiday Season

Here’s why it’s a great time to buy or sell during the holiday season.

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At this time of year, people start thinking about other things besides real estate; we focus more on the holidays, family, and friends. The typical belief is that during this time of year people should hold off on their real estate plans until after the new year.

However, if you’re considering selling, I recommend doing so before the year ends. This is an excellent time of year to sell. Many people start taking homes off the market this time of year, and fewer houses are listed. So if you’re selling, there’s less competition. We also know that those looking to buy are purchasing at all times of the year. Many who sold their properties in September or October need to buy in November or December. 

If you’re thinking about buying a home, this is also a stellar time. Many buyers wait until the beginning of the year, so you’ll have less competition. Also, those selling this time of year are motivated, and these things mean you’ll have more leverage.

If you’re contemplating buying or selling, have a real estate need, or want to know more about what’s happening in the market, don’t hesitate to call or email us. We’re here for you. Have a happy holiday season!