How to Know When It’s a Good Time to Buy or Sell

Is now a good time to buy or sell? The answer depends on your situation.

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Is now a good time to buy or sell? It all depends on your situation. 

If you’re a buyer, it’s always a good time to buy if you’re getting a good buy. Market conditions change all the time, but what doesn’t change is either paying too much for a property or getting a great buy on one. That’s where your agent comes in. If they’re a good agent, they’ll understand the market and home values and they’ll be able to guide you through a good buy for any home you look at. 

If you're a seller, a good time to sell is whenever there's demand for your home. Demand comes from two different areas—either it’s market-driven (meaning there are more buyers than there are homes for sale) or it comes from you and what you can do to your home to create that demand.

Market conditions change all the time, but what doesn’t change is either paying too much for a property or getting a great buy on one.

There are two factors that drive the demand that you can create for your home. The first is its price, and the second is what your agent does to market it so it gets exposed to as many buyers as possible. 

If you have any more questions about buying or selling a home or you’re curious about what’s happening in our market, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d be glad to help you.

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