Explaining New Real Estate Commission Changes and Options

Buyers should carefully read any agreements before signing.

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We are all adjusting to the new regulations in real estate. Unfortunately, there’s still growing confusion among agents, buyers, and sellers about these industry changes. During this time, you want an agent who knows what they’re doing and represents your best interests.

If you’re a homebuyer, read the fine print before signing the agreement. Look for items in the contract that tie you down for a specific period or obligate you to pay a commission. Know that there are options to purchase a home without paying a commission or how to get that commission paid through the transaction. Consult with us, and we’ll present these options to you.

If you’re a home seller, find out whether your agent has clear strategies to sell your home for the highest possible price. With or without the changes in the industry, there are tactics that we do to sell your house quickly without sacrificing the sale price and with the least amount of hassle.

If you or anyone you know wants to buy or sell a home, please call us at (800) 800-2978 or email us at info@HellerTheHomeSeller.com. We'd be happy to help.

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